B-8018T 超声波铲皮嫩肤仪
功能: 瞬间将皮肤表面和毛细孔中的油垢、老化角质层、黑头、粉刺等不良物质雾化铲除,青春痘、粉刺等在短时间内迅速处理和改善。分解黑色素使皮肤光亮美白、健康。营养导入、毒素导出,除皱换肤,让皮肤更年轻。本仪器是利用超声波换能技术将每秒28000次的电振荡转换成每秒28000次的机械振荡(即超声波振荡),由于超声能量对人体肌肤具在渗透作用,所以,在清洁皮肤的同时能产生按摩作用,能使表皮下较深层的细胞产生兴奋。所以只要能使用此超声波段的能量,并配合相应产品的作用就能有效消除面部黑斑,皱纹,青春痘,清除角质层和毛孔污垢等,令肌肤光亮洁白,回复弹性。
I. Function:
Ultrasonic allows fast and visible result with deep penetrations. It is easy to use and contains lots of different functions in order to suit any skin types or problems. It stimulates skin without pain and the risk of high voltage burn.
Helps deep penetrating
Accelerates metabolism
Stimulates blood & lymph circulations
Eliminates blemishes & bagginess
Reduces cellulites, fine line & wrinkles
Relaxes tired muscles
It has 2 Probes, the big one is for face, the small one is for eyes.
Ultrasonic Scrubber
Ultrasonic Deep Cleansing & Sterilizing
Ultrasonic allows fast and visible result with deep cleansing. It scrubs any impurities away from pores and not to be dry out skin. Ultrasonic can push the pH balance towards base in order to increase power of sterilization. It helps eliminate the growth of bacteria and infections. It stimulates skin without pain and the risk of high voltage burn.
Ultrasonic Whitening
1. Re-pigmentation & whitening: Ultrasonic can penetrate serums into skin deeply in order to let skin have a better absorption to enhance and accelerate the result.
2. Reduces redness: use the pulsation frequency in ultrasonic can improve and accelerate metabolisms of the capillaries in order to reduce redness.
Ultrasonic Eliminate Wrinkle
1. Reduces appearance of scars: ultrasonic can produce real fast pulsation frequency; such vibration can help accelerate the disappearance of scars.
2. Moisturizes & hydrates: ultrasonic deeply penetrates serums into skin in order to let skin have a better absorption to improve hydration of skin.
3. Accelerates and enhances capacity of skin absorption. Eliminate wrinkle get smooth
Micro massage
1. Reduces appearance of dark circles & puffiness: ultrasonic produces fast pulsation frequency, which helps accelerate metabolism and blood circulations around the eyes. It helps to reduce appearance of dark circles and excess water, which forms puffiness underneath the eyes.
2. Ultrasonic allows fast and visible result with deep penetrations. It is easy to use and contains lots of different functions in order to suit any skin types or problems. It stimulates skin without pain and the risk of high voltage burn.
3. Relaxes & reduces pain: the warmth from ultrasonic helps to calm, relax and reduce pain.
Deep clean
Scrub any impurities away from pores
Will not dry out skin
Accelerates and enhances capacity of skin absorption
III. Parameters:
Functions |
Specifications |
Ultrasonic scrubber |
Vibrating : 270,000 times per second |
Ultrasonic |
Frequency: 1.05Mhz |
IV. Accessories:
Functions |
Accessories |
Ultrasonic scrubber |
Skin scrubber: 1pcs (with cover) |
Ultrasonic |
Ultrasonic probes: 2 pcs: |
VI. Packaging Standard:
Item No. |
Voltage |
Frequency |
Power |
Measurement |
Gross Weight |
B-804T |
100V-120V, 220V-240V. |
50Hz-60Hz. |
60 Watt |
CM |